Sunday, May 25, 2014

[the beginning]

[Here is to a new start]

I'm feeling insignificant in a world where you're supposed to have everything all figured out. 
I don't have everything all figured out.
I'm the OPPOSITE of all figured out.
I am a 24 year old girl with no direction.
I'm not smart.
I'm not talented.
I work hard.
I'm dependable.
What is my special knack?
What is my calling?
I guess I'm hoping that I can figure that out on this journey through my life.
I love pictures.
I love journaling.
I just want to do fun things without the bitter memories && cautious moves.
I hate that who I am reflects where I've been.
I don't know how to be who I am supposed to be.
I'm trapped in a community where my worst qualities are the shining stars and I'm haunted by my last relationship. No one writes a book on how to move on in the same vicinity. Life is a cruel game with a an amazing creator. The irony is so real.

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